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Old 24-08-2020, 09:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Altair
Cause and effect is not the same as 'karma'. There was a time where I thought 'karma' made sense. However, the belief in karma is totally different and postulates that there is morality in the universe and in nature.
In the original Sanskrit karma meant cause, then sometime later it came to mean cause and effect. At that time it was 'mechanical' and there was no morality involved. Nowadays it's reward/victim mentality, and when Past Lives come into the equation it becomes silliness. The supposed morality comes from kamma-vipaka, which means the results of intention and this is what Spiritual people need to think about. What is the intention behind thinking karma can be removed? Is the intention of using the word 'karma' thinking you (not you personally) are Spiritual or is the intention to gain understanding? The two have very different 'results'. Thinking that you are Spiritual because you use the word 'karma' with the intention to gain status/self esteem may well be right to some but that mentality becomes the basis for their Spirituality. Both Mother Teresa and Lady Diana (amongst others) said that we should do kind acts with no expectation of rewards, and these have the 'best results', very loosely.
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