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Old 09-07-2022, 06:09 AM
Aknaton Aknaton is offline
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Originally Posted by django

“Now, remember, you will never know the fullness of Christ until you know the emptiness of everything else but Christ. All that was ever woven by man, God shall unravel; all the sticks and stones that human energy can build, in the matter of eternal salvation, must be plucked down by Jehovah’s hand, for it is Christ alone who must build that house; unless he shall do so, they will labour in vain that build it.”
When I meditate, or the results of my meditation, or what I experience many times during and after my meditation is what I believe you are referring to as emptiness, I think they call this 'anata'. The self is empty, and acknowledging this makes you instantly deny this self. I find that "I'm" not there! What is this?! This just makes me feel empty & that I need Christ more and more, this just makes me to know how much I want His Holy Spirit to fill me up and overflow.

Then I come to a place where this "I" that was meaningless (empty) and not there to begin with derives it's meaning & self (and fullness/fulfilledness) when Jesus says "I" , and "I" and my "self" are not two, but one.
And when I say "I", it is as though I am referring to Jesus and my "self" at the same time, except it is not that "self" that is non-existent, it is a "higher self" that has an existence, that derives its origin, sustenance, life and power to express it from the "Original I", Jesus. Then "I" can begin praying and "I" hear/s it and answers. Then "I" can begin meditating and "I" reveals. Then I can begin my journey, then I can begin my learning, then I can begin to be alive!

Verily verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, "I" am - John 8:58. When Jesus said this, the Jews and all tried to pick up stones he escaped through from amongst them. Likewise, when we say "I", the stones of possessiveness come at us; "I am this", "I am not that", "I have to wash the dog!". If we allow the stones to hit us, it's gonna hurt! We're definitely going to be affected. But when we strategically move through the midst of the source of these stones/thoughts, we can get away safely.

Jacobs name meant something like crook or trickster, moreover, he conned his elder brother out of his birthright. When Jacob went up to wrestle with the Lord Angel, he succeeded and was given a new Identity and was blessed. He wanted to know the name of the Angel... And I think that name is "I", because it is so wonderful when we say it from the higher self, from the fuller and fulfilled self and not that empty illusory one. Jacob represents our "self" which is empty and Israel represents our new and true identity, the "I" which is a much much higher and infact the true version of who we should be and truly are.

"I" am the Way.
"I" am the Truth.
"I" am the Life.
"I" really can't get there until I've started the journey, until "I" know where to go, until "I" receive the impetus to move.

Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
John 16:7

Last edited by Aknaton : 09-07-2022 at 07:08 AM.
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