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Old 06-06-2023, 06:37 AM
Posts: n/a
I wonder what use it is using the term light worker ? is it a term to separate you self from other human beings ? would not be 'I am a human being' quite suffice, it would encompass all here on earth. Meaning that all here are exposed to the rising energies of this age. Energies that will bring human beings into a what could perhaps be described as a more glorious state of being.

I understand that some have it in their time line to share this info around and 'do things' and other perhaps not so much.

I found for one source being every thing, is also all knowledge and open to any one at his own leisure.

Creating a point of view that has lesser beings in it, in the incarnated reality will create reflections and reactions of those so designated in return.
Could be part of source its unfoldment or perhaps a thing to be avoided.
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