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Old 05-06-2023, 08:40 AM
Maisy Maisy is offline
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 1,592
It's a tricky business as surrender may or may not be a solution. Remember one can try to surrender, then they are still in the boat of creating conflict in the now, in their minds and creating the corresponding experience of conflict.

The opposite of doing is not, not doing as both involve a "doer" doing. Either doing doing or doing not doing. The true opposite is having no "doer" at all. No-one or no-thing to put forth an effort to try to fix or accomplish something imagined. The idea one can or should change through some mentally imagined effort or technique or practice needs to be dropped.

But there again I said "dropped" conjuring up an idea of the "dropper." All ways we point to this thing through language don't work. There is no way to represent what is done in words or language because words and language are always symbolic and not the things they describe. One function of words and language and thought is to project the idea of a self external to us. A self embodied in language itself as thought. The source of "I want to do this or that" is always thought, and thought is a product of the brain, not us.

So surrender is more than trying to drop doing. It has to include freedom from the idea that there is something that needs to be done or "someone" (thought based self) that can do it. Something does need to change, but we are returning to the way things are, not how we want them to be.

The ending of self interest (or focusing the attention solely on ourselves and not everything else or others external to us) ends the thought created or projected self, so change occurs. But we did not do something or not do something to make this change happen. We simply got off the treadmill of a thought based interpretation of now and our own relation to now or state of being. We are here now with no interference of mind or interpretation of thought. And in this new reality, we are just what we have always been. And we experience an experience that has also always been here.

It what exists when we no longer are looking and experiencing through the filters of our conditioned mind.

Luke 17:20 And being asked by the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come? Jesus answered them, and said: The kingdom of God cometh not with observation.

One needs an observer to have an observation. Observe the observer and realize that is not you either... perhaps one then experiences the kingdom of God.
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