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Old 28-09-2021, 10:55 PM
Svaroga Svaroga is offline
Join Date: Sep 2021
Location: Washington
Posts: 41
I prefer Lao Tzu, its been a bit since I read Tao Te Ching but compared to Jesus(I'm still on the Torah) the Dao is more flexible as it is not about submitting to some strict deity but the idea that seeing the world for its flow and successive conclusions of events and then deciding based on that
(Thats what I understood from the Tao Te Ching correct me if I'm wrong) which means I have a lot of choices to interact with the flow of the world(You can see I understand Taoism more metaphorically than literally).

Jesus from what I know said a number of things common across religions like like your neighbor, forgive, give to the poor etc however I have no interest in submitting under Yahweh and his rules.
Yahweh punishes those who deny him cuddles, this is a very dangerous relationship and thus Yahweh to me is a toxic person.
Yahweh's Jesus phase wasn't much of a sacrifice if it was just him all along and could have done anything to change his own situation.
As a metaphor Daoism wins me because you can sail the world in sort of more lax realpolitik way.
(I do not seek to offend any one who worships Yahweh or similar figures please do not perceive this as an attack).
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