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Old 27-04-2016, 09:56 PM
Unseelie Queen Unseelie Queen is offline
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Could a single person be/become a vessel for multiple souls?

By a "vessel", I do not mean possession. Per se.

But could one be a sort of host for multiple spirits, for the entire duration of their human incarnation (while still having their own soul-- so, not an exchange situation) for whatever reason? For safekeeping, or for any reason which may not make sense to us. Perhaps, between physical incarnations, a soul encountered others who were deeply traumatized or fragmented and, at their request, let them rest inside of them. Or, a more negative/darker version of this: Perhaps a soul or spirit becomes captured while in a weakened state and, for an unknown amount of time, is forced to be a energy source and host for a group of highly negative and powerful beings. (Yes, I know I am approaching the realm of paranoid sci-fi imaginings, and many will say "But no one can capture your soul!" but I'm just exploring possibilities here.)

Apologies; this is difficult for me to explain. I'll use myself as an example. From about the age of 7, I began to feel a profound sense of otherness. I felt I lived in another dimension. I no longer liked to speak or be around anyone, though I went through the motions. Nightly I would sit on my bedroom floor and listen; eventually I would hear a subtle, far-off tone, and I'd slip into a trance state. It was like tuning into a frequency. The moment it happened, I'd feel my conscious mind sort of slip to the back of my awareness. But it wasn't unpleasant at all. It was almost blissful.

And this has continued all my life. Not one, not two, but three separate people (who have no interest in spiritual matters) told me, out of the blue, quite startled, that it looked like someone else was looking through my eyes. I would feel this as well; it feels like a quick shift, over and over; each shift feels different to me, also, like there's a new person peering out. I don't feel literally possessed; it feels like a gentle slipping. I can still hear and see my surroundings, though it's more muffled. Occasionally this shift happens but without the feeling of others looking through; on these occasions, it feels like I and numberless unknown parts of myself have briefly flown elsewhere to attend to something important. I feel deeply protective of some of these unknown parts or spirits.

I do a bit of automatic writing/channeling (kiiind of; I do not attempt to channel any high and mighty beings or angels or "masters") and each time, it's the same. Multiple times, the message began with "I am the vessel."

I am sure that many people can interpret feelings of disassociation (and I realize the above sounds like textbook disassociation) and depersonalization as evidence that they are a "walk-in" or whatever. So, at risk of sounding severely mentally ill, I'm going to leave this here and hope that someone has a similar experience to share. (And before anyone asks, yes, I've seen therapists and doctors, though I haven't ruled out neurological issues yet.)
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