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Old 08-12-2020, 01:17 PM
PsyKeys PsyKeys is offline
Join Date: Nov 2020
Posts: 46
Something I wrote a while back.

September 10, 2016.

He wonders in thought so he wanders around.
He walks in circles so he thinks in circles.
He looks in the mirror and sees himself so he thinks of himself.
A Man who thinks and sees, sees what he thinks. But a man who just sees knows, though if you asked him what he knows, he no longer knows. Zen.

Perhaps It's a house, a partner/significant other, a good job, friends, some nice stuff for creative interest or collective muse. A Car. A sense of exploration. Running into cool people. Wholesome encounters.

Everything else within those things I've listed, are intimate and specific.
Find some communities in your area. Try **** out. I know times are tough now with the Covid19 but when it clears up, which it will, theres online websites where you can make new friends centred around different interests.
In groups, like social groups and events. We never stop "playing" never forget. And get healthy and maybe fit, if you want, and uh you know. Try intimate relationships. Winky face.
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