Thread: Recurring UTIs!
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Old 28-08-2012, 02:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Ninoushka
Oh yeah, speaking of sitting in a tub taking baths is not very advised when you are prone to UTIs... soaking in warm water + germs = painful !!!

But germs are only relevant if you're "vulnerable" to their proliferation... at any time you have within you around 10,000 differing stains of bacteria and yeast. Many of these are beneficial, many benign, and many unhelpful... there is a dance at play within us where populations are continually in flux... if a particular unhelpful species should proliferate, then that's telling us something... that our balance is off... and that the "bad" organisms are getting a foothold.

Why do some people get sick, while the person sitting next to them doesn't? It's not the "bug" itself, it's the bodily environment that's heavily at play here... we need to be addressing why our system is "off", to the point that a "bad" organism is capable of dominating to this degree... an illness or infection is the equivalent of a canary in the coal mine... our bodies are designed to never get sick, if something is off then the whole system-of-our-exposures needs to be looked-over more closely...
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