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Old 02-02-2021, 09:55 AM
sat2493 sat2493 is offline
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Conscious use of “will”

I’ve recognized that the word “will” plays a particularly important, yet overlooked role in the English language. Language shapes how we think, and therefore, I propose that this word can be used as power to shape the way we think and therefore manifest our desires.

Like all approaches, it can be perverted and abused to avoid one’s realities of the moment. To distract oneself. Use with caution, and appreciation for how language can help us discover. What I am suggesting here is to consciously use “will” in the context of personal desire as opposed to using will in the context of labelling and reinforcing some attachment to what happens in the future.

Consider this sentence: “I will be rich.” The sentence can have a variety of interpretations. “Will” can be used to satisfy some neurotic inclination for maintaining security, or “will” can be used almost like a brave proclamation.

Neurotic example:

It can be interpreted from a neurotic desire for certainty. It can feel like lying to oneself. There is an attachment to a future outcome: “being rich”. It can come from a fear of being exactly the opposite, let’s say homeless. Or fear of failure.

Empowerment use of “will”:

“I will be rich”. Now that has a whole new connotation to it. It does not place unfair expectations on what the future should look like. It does not try to control one’s future from a desire for a guarantee. It is the willing to existence, a new, more empowering frequency. It is a proclamation of desire. Assuming of course, that being rich actually is a desire of one. It inspires perseverance based on the strength of this will to be rich. It inspires commitment to the process of being rich.

Those are my two cents.
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