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Old 10-06-2020, 04:45 AM
Posts: n/a
And yet we ask "where did it all come from?".

Originally Posted by Nowayout
Yep, the Psycodleic experience can be strange, and yet very powerful as I have seen.

In my youth, I was reading "St John Of The Cross" and other mystical Cristian Church writings, and his views bleached into my heart and soul. I wanted to know God with all my heart!

I did some Mushrooms with this in heart, and fell into a deep repentant state at the onset, but then awoke to the natural world around me amazed. God was truly in all things, awareness can be expanded, the heart shines like the sun, I was God and God was me. It was mystical beyond the normal boundary layer.

Our vision of the world is limited if we could see life for what it truly is, I suspect we would be blinded, or simply dumfounded, God is immense.
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