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Old 01-08-2021, 12:04 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi Insulin,
thank you for sharing your story. Very sorry about your uncle. I hope his spirit is at peace now.

The only thing I can say I have experienced similar to is the part where you were connected, in your sleep, to when feeling, knowing your uncle was in trouble, dead. I have experienced that too different times in my life, different set of people that I have been connected too. One time it was even not about the person itself but the place it was in, something bad happened that very night and it ended up in court.

I am going to suggest something, but feel a need to apologise before, as I could be way off what it could actually have been about.

Considering your uncle ended up taking his own life I am going to assume something really painful, too hard to handle, happened to him at some point earlier in life.

There has been poltergeist phenomens around me in the past. I can't say if it was 100% about the spirit world making contact or if at least part of it was because I was really good at keeping my own feelings of stress, anger inside myself. There were times when I was upset and not showing it and poltergeist experiences would start.

I may not use the proper word for it but there are some ghosts(??) out there who keep appearing at same spot and do the same thing and then dissolve. It could be like a blue print. It repeats itself because there has been some kind of strong energy of feeling that the real person once had. We can create things without knowing or intending too, just like I (if it now was me) created with my supressed feelings poltergeist activity.

Perhaps you could ask your mom if something in particular happened to him around the age the ghost was seemingly in to figure out if something traumatic did happen to him around that age?
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