Thread: Three of Wands
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Old 06-03-2024, 10:44 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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You're welcome.
I see now that for Wands 2 I focused mostly on the planning & postponing part, but it can of course also be the planning phase without that postponing bit. The phase where it's too soon to take action steps, but where you lay the groundwork for the action that is to follow later.

In the examples you gave you see a similar aspect of non-movement/action: Empress is also waiting for the baby to be ready for birth. It will come though, no matter what. She can't stay pregnant forever after all.
And generally speaking waiting & preparing for a baby to come (which can also be a figurative 'baby' --> something you created) is a joyful event. That shifts the Wands 2 into joyful expectation, planning & preparing, waiting for the time when things start moving.

And 4 of Swords, although not necessary a card of being ill, it makes sense you were. Resting, in your safe comfort zone (to be seen in Wands 2) while you heal, not an action card. In a way you could say the postponing aspect of Wands 2 is seen here.

Same card, 2 very different interpretations & vibes:
1) joyful & expectation before the action comes
2) time to wait, postpone, rest, going inwards/inside comfort zone
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