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Old 03-12-2010, 12:35 AM
captain kirk
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by ESP_dreamr
I sometimes have ultra accurate precognitive dreams (hence my name). And they seem to occur randomly.

I can sometimes choose to be precognitive in waking life, only if I focus really really really intensely. But then I just get too exhausted.

Google 'Zener test' and take the ESP test. I got 4 out of 6 which is 233% above chance before I had to stop because I was about to pass out from the concentration!

To me, ESP is a gift and a sign of the next step in human evolution.

I too experience dreams and I just know there is some valuable stuff in there so I try to rehash it and analyze it. And yes my head almost explodes. Then in the next day or two something will occur and immediatly I'm remember that in the dream. But I didn't act on it, I just reminisced on it. I quit with the dream analyzing, it just didn't seem worth it.

I would say the most beneficial psychic-like experiences I have are on a more supernatural level. They seem to be insight about humanity, the cosmos, the earth. I think my only precongitions are on a grand scale, as if I feel where we are all headed, and what we should care the most about. I also get the feelings that reassure that I'm "OK" from what I guess is the Holy Spirit. I don't sense God judging me, but I do sense him telling me I've done good, maybe because you rarely hear that from people.
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