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Old 26-01-2017, 01:06 PM
jimrich jimrich is offline
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Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
I just finished the movie/docu "I AM"....right on the lines of this thread...
Joyous Awareness
Hope someone sees it.
To quote from the above article:
Watching I AM is ultimately, for many, a transformative experience, yet Shadyac is reluctant to give specific steps for viewers who have been energized by the film. “What can I do?” “I get asked that a lot,” he says. “But the solution begins with a deeper transformation that must occur in each of us. I AM isn’t as much about what you can do, as who you can be. And from that transformation of being, action will naturally follow.”
The Non-dual sages, wizards and spokespersons I am now following such as: Tony Parsons, Jim Newman, Kenneth Madden, Andreas Muller, Natalie Gray, Rupert Spira, Richard Sylvester, Nathan Gil and a lot of others (google them) also refrain from giving folks methods, techniques and paths to Realization or Awakening and offer their Pointers as descriptions of Reality or Awareness rather than as Prescriptions for "what to do" to "get there". Most of them will say that you are already That or There and so there is no need of a method or practice to be or become what you already are. The problem is that most of us were taught to believe that we are a separate 'me' or self-entity (ego) which spawns all of life's conflicts as we struggle with other me's to acquire more or defend what we now have without ever realizing or remembering that we are one unified whole. The joke of this cosmic play is that these me's are actually phantoms that do not exist (search for your me or self to see it there really is one in you.) and once someone realizes that the 'me' is not real, most if not all fear, insecurity, greed, struggling, fighting, resisting and conflict ENDS and peace occurs as the now liberated Being relaxes from endless struggles with other phantom me's.
“But the solution begins with a deeper transformation that must occur in each of us. I AM isn’t as much about what you can do, as who you can be. And from that transformation of being, action will naturally follow.”
The "transformation" is to see that there is no 'me' in us and then healthier and happier "action" naturally follows when we realize that we ARE "joyous Awareness" or whatever label fits the Nameless.
“What can I do?”
I'd say, see that you are NOT a separate, isolate 'me' or individual and that you already are simply Presence/Awareness. ~ John Wheeler
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