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Old 10-11-2022, 06:15 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by Ahriman
Spiritual life is not easy or rewarding at all.......hedonism is much better........but once you're living a spiritual life, you really can't go back.....
Hedonism is actually very limited. Whatever pleasures we find are short-lived, and we then have to repeat the process to try to recreate the pleasure.

Spiritual life is very simple and very rewarding. The rewards include acceptance and contentment. We recognise that our physical life is brief and we don't take it so seriously. We accept our own limitations and we do not take ourselves so seriously. We are content with what we have and we no longer strive for whatever we don't have in a futile search for fulfilment.

The difficulty is in making the transition from hedonism to spirituality. It is like a battle between Soul and personality. We are pulled in both directions and we fluctuate between spiritual aspiration and personality desire. We have a foot in both worlds but we are established in neither.

As you say, once we have begun this journey we cannot go back. Occasionally we may try but the limitations of our old way of living quickly become apparent. But once we are established in the spiritual life then we find true peace and contentment.

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