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Old 27-08-2021, 10:53 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 6,451
i read the book now, and what I want to say about it is I think the techniques are solid. Paying attention is a very big deal, apparently...

honestly if you follow along with it you get to a point where you realize exactly what is said: you aren't able to do anything real by sleep-walking. Despite the many seeming protestations you hear from all the people seeming to do just that...

Sleepwalking is like an echo-chamber. Reactions follow reactions follow reactions and getting to something real is accidental at best.

but at the same time I would be hesitant to choose this as a way of life. Even though I empathize with what was said.

I've always been hesitant about choosing a way of life. Because I've always seen choosing a way of life as a kind of prison, where you construct bars to hold yourself in by saying 'to achieve the goal I've set I can do this, but I can't do that, I'll be rewarded if I do this, I'll be punished if I do that'.

That kind of thinking always seems to blow up in my face...

But at the same time I'm appreciative that it gives some semblance of social resonance to join in the fray and choose who you will always be. At the same time I don't think it can be called 'living' if you never allow yourself to change...
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