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Old 06-03-2021, 11:48 PM
Scholarly Tarot Scholarly Tarot is offline
Join Date: Jan 2021
Posts: 136
Originally Posted by Scholarly Tarot

HEY! That is exactly what good friends are for lovely one.......

I also am intrigued by the attribution of Tarot Cards onto the paths of the Kabbalah Tree of Life as well. Perhaps some Jews won't think it correct, and that's fine. I rather think it is yet another layer which expounds further meaning to those outside Judaism. I have been through 3 initiations of Tarot Cards this last year, and everyone of them was so incredibly fascinating to me! Richard Roberts initiation in his Tarot Revelations was refreshing. Paul Foster Case's initiation in his True and Secret Order of the Rosicrucians was very deep, very profound, and remarkable. And Jason Lotterhand's Thursday Night Tarot is always a delight because he is so down to earth, yet deeply profound. Robert Wang's analysis The Qabalistic Tarot (not really an initiation, yet it kind of is) also is insightful. Let's see.....that's four isn't it? Well......I never did say I was good at math - Lol!

Since there does seem to be some connections with the Tarot and the Tree of Life, it always intrigues me when the various esoteric systems can be put together for an enlarged picture for us... the Jewish esoteric texts are always delightful to try and fathom. Good ole intellectual/spiritual stuff that needs a lot of brain power, just my kind of esotericism!
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