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Old 04-12-2022, 11:14 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
Posts: 5,270
Friends ...true or fake ??

Sometimes we take friendship as just that ... Friends . If like me, you don't question a friendship , you take at what you suppose to be "face value"... But here's just one example I had with "friends"....
There was myself, and friend A and friend B. All mutual friends.
No reason not to be, we all got on and everything was fine .
Until friend B got increasingly more and more jealous of my friendship with friend A , for no reason whatsoever. But friend B thought they had exclusive rights over friend A and so on.
In the end, friend B , consumed with jealousy started to tell me lies about friend A. Obviously this was of a massive concern to me and I didn't know what to think . The lies went on and on until in the end I concluded "why would friend B lie to me about this ? ".... And so I believed them. Also ... Friend B made me PROMISE i wouldn't say anything to friend A about it all.

But I cried and cried with the upset of it all wondering how friend A could have been so deceitful....
In the end I couldn't stand it and told friend A I knew all about their lies.

When it all came out in the wash it became apparent that it was friend B that was the deceitful one ...
Both myself and friend A were disgusted BEYOND words at the other person's behaviour... And even now, when we think about it , it makes us sick to our stomachs thinking about this so called "mutual friend".
Naturally , both of us cut that toxic person out of our lives and are very happy now without friend B in the equation !!

However ! The ex friend still won't accept it and goes round telling everyone that will listen how horrible me and friend A are and that the nastiness was on our part and not theirs !!!!!

This is just one example of how friends can easily turn into enemies.... And because of incidents like this , it makes it hard for me to trust people.

But at the end of the day , myself and friend A know we did nothing wrong.
And also we have the most amazing friendship now . We don't need the third party ....
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