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Old 11-07-2021, 08:25 PM
NeutralMotion NeutralMotion is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 20
(super late reply) my personal opinion/ 2 cents. You are your own worse enemy. By wanting to improve yourself is a good step to a better you. Either attempt to meditate/hypnosis yourself when you don't feel pain, or that it is in a lesser state. I include meditation into hypnosis, since it is a state of focus. Trance - to be focused and coherent of objective, induction - to be put into strong trance.

The 2 best ways for me to fall into my own hypnosis, is to look up at the edge of the room where your eyes are strained to look there. Count backwards from ten to one and bring yourself into further and further relaxation. Another method that works decent for me in the past is to look at the lines on one of my fingers, to focus on it, and let the rest of the world fade from me. Repetition over and over and over again. to bring yourself to your own state of peacefulness. If you have done mushrooms I'm sure you know that your mind set through that enjoyment is key. As your emotion be so important there, your focus, and also lack of focus, are key in hypnosis. focus on your words, on the rhythm of your breathing, on the other sounds you can hear. And focus on all the calm mellow peaceful words. bringing your mind down to rest. etc. I spent a ridiculous amount of time focusing on my mental health and attempting to guarantee that I could live the life I wanted. (I've used meditation/hypnosis to not get headaches. I just pretend they aren't real and it works most of the time.)
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