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Old 11-09-2020, 02:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Busby
I've been listening to this fellow lately, quite fascinating and tells something I have been personally conceiving over some time now.
Yes, I believe you posted this link in another thread. Existence is not the only thing that is f'in weird, that dude is a bit as well. He's got a kind of Marilyn Manson thing going on there. But that is OK, I have found I liked what weirder dudes than him have to say. Let weird people say weird things.

In fact in my above reply to inavalan I talked about fundamental particles and how they are said to have zero size. On the other hand they are said by some to be non-local. That is to say they are spread out everywhere prior to observation. And so is both zero size and the size of infinity, depending on how one looks at it. But then some would say it is not the electron that is spread out. That the electron does not yet exist prior to observation and it is the probability of where one might find it to exist, if one were to make an observation, that is distributed (albeit extremely unevenly) throughout the universe. Which makes the idea of existence even f'in weirder when we look at the quantum level. Of course if what we mean by existence is just our perception of its existence, then things start to make a little more sense.

But then we can look at something massless, like a photon, and find it travels at the speed of light, and therefore does not experience time and could be said to be timeless or could perhaps be said to be eternal. Ask it where it is going next and what adventures it will have along the way, and it can honestly tell you it is going everywhere and doing everything, all at once. It is not its fault we are too massive to go along. Perhaps something to do once one no longer has mass?

So our freaky looking friend talking about how zero and infinity are really the same thing, is not so freaky an idea after all. What is really freaky to contemplate is it is not just the electron that does not seem to exist outside of our perception of it, but perhaps all physical matter, and even space and time. You, me, here, there, now, then, even that moon, are all just creations and playthings of our own consciousness. Perhaps freakishness, kind of like reality itself, is in the eye of the beholder.

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