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Old 25-04-2014, 03:48 PM
SpiritMachine SpiritMachine is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 39
First and foremost, I supplement all of my spiritual goals with brainwave entrainment, audio aids, and meditation (frequency-assisted and non). Meditation in itself has a tendency to help with my dream awareness. You can tailor meditations for lucid dreaming with effective affirmations. The awareness one gains from mindfulness helps as well.

When I first experimented with lucid dreaming, I would generally use wake back to bed or the cycle adjustment technique. With WBTB, I would sleep for around four to six hours, wake up for a short period, and return to bed saying affirmations such as "I will lucid dream now." I had my first lucid dream using this method.

The cycle adjustment technique is where you go to bed around the same time every day for a 4 to 7 days, and wake up early. Thirty minutes to an hour earlier than normal worked for me. After a few days of practice, you sleep "in" while your body is used to you being awake.

(OBE4U technique)
I have had success with this technique as well. It's similar to WBTB, but instead of repeating affirmations, you vividly imagine yourself making physical actions you make on a regular basis (e.g. using a joystick, running, jumping, pressing buttons on a cellphone [he recommends this one]). It's similar to some of the trancework athletes do where they imagine making the perfect jumpshot, right hook, dodge, throw etc... Over time, you may not even have to wake up in the middle of the night to do this. The be fair, Michael Raduga believes OBEs/APing and LDs are the same thing, so your mileage may vary. I think they are different, but this has helped me in both cases.

With WBTB and "Entering the Phase," it is of course practical to reach a point where you don't have to wake up.

Self hypnosis has helped me as well. I record mp3s on occasion, and have also had success with reading hypnosis.

Whatever builds your creative visualization skills, awareness, and ability to maintain a mental state will help you.

Best of luck.
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