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Old 11-12-2012, 10:37 AM
knightofalbion knightofalbion is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
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Originally Posted by Vibe
They have souls. So do plants, but we have to eat them. Having a soul doesn't mean it shouldn't be eaten. It means it should be treated with love and respect.

There was a scientific study some years ago. Two plants. One was shouted at and told vile things. The other was spoken softly to and told loving things. The shouted one withered, the loved one flourished!

Plants certainly do possess a degree of consciousness.

As for having souls, like people and animals? My understanding is that if it has blood in its veins, then it has a soul.

That being said the First Blessing in Genesis advocates a diet destroying neither animal or plant, so no doubt the spiritual evolution of man will lead us down that path eventually.
All this talk of religion, but it's how you live your life that is the all-important thing.
If you set out each day to do all the goodness and kindness that you can, and to do no harm to man or beast, then you are walking the highest path.
And when your time is up, if you can leave the earth a better place than you found it, then yours will have been a life well lived.
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