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Old 23-11-2016, 11:46 PM
Amilius777 Amilius777 is offline
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Ascended Masters

I think Ascended Masters are misunderstood. There seems to be an idea that there is literally as in the Theosophy schools some really bizarre stuff that I find bothersome. I find it bothersome because it sounds like spiritual-fiction; like science fiction.

The Ascended Master Teachers are souls like us but many of them have never been physically incarnated. They are not to be confused with Angels and Archangels who are Spirits that serve God throughout the many mansions of the Father (spheres, dimensions realms). Angels and Archangels have never been part of Earth's physical consciousness but they are a different vibrational energy from us. Angels just like human souls can be good or evil depending on their free will and use of their minds and egos.

But Ascended Masters are Souls who may have or may not have a need to develop and evolve through the physical realm. Their souls are highly evolved and many Mystics Saints of religions - St. Francis, Theresa of Avila, Kabir, Yogananda, etc have become ascended masters.

Jesus Christ was an example of a Higher Soul who never incarnated except for his divine mission he had undertaken and did come into a human body as the "promised messiah" of Jewish/Christian prophecies in the Bible.

The Ascended Masters and Saints are our destination where the soul learns who they are, what their true Self is while being one and in communion with the Self of God.

11:11 is usually an angelic number but it also pertains to the universal Christ consciousness which was exemplified and manifested by the masters who learned to put aside their self and take on a greater consciousness.

There is no hierarchy among the Masters/Saints because once a soul has become one with God they have attained the "pearl of great price". How could there be a greater pearl among the pearls? The true self or Christ consciousness is the true self no matter who has it.

That is why so many people believe Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, are all one. In a sense they are. St. Paul talks about the "body of Christ" that we are all members of. - One Bread- One Body- One Lord of All. The head of the body is Christ. Those who are truly an embodiment of the Christ Consciousness are the head of the body. There are differences of course. Not every Master Teacher has the same past as the other. Some were never human, some were human many times before they attained mastery, and some only became Human for a highly religious event (Jesus Christ).

At the end of the day there is only one God and we are all Children of that same Source.
Faith is the Substance of things Hoped For!
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