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Old 31-05-2021, 04:47 PM
GlitterRose GlitterRose is offline
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 375
Her doubt was with the system...the hierarchy of the Church...which saw fit to just cart him off to a new parish (in fact, a larger and more prestigious parish) and let him do what he may.

He was caught when she pretended to have called a nun from his previous parish. If he had nothing to hide, he wouldn't have protested so. That was the clincher. He had done it before and had been moved to her parish.

His sheep's clothing was his likeability. He played the role of the nice guy who will be your friend. His attentions came at a price, and his sheep's clothing dissolved when Streep confronted him. He threw everything at her that he could, and once he figured out she would not yield to threats, he tried to play on her sympathy. He said have you never committed a mortal sin? So he was finally admitting to what he had done, but trying to use her belief in forgiveness as a ticket to stay and keep up the status quo.

Streep could do nothing about the hierarchy of the Church, or how it chose to deal (or not deal) with predators. What she could do was not let it happen on her watch.
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