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Old 15-07-2020, 11:57 AM
Fatimasque Fatimasque is offline
Join Date: Jul 2020
Location: Bahrain
Posts: 101
Originally Posted by NoOne
In basic healing techniques, such as Reiki, that is how it works, yes.

But Inanna's technique is more advanced, it is targeted at detecting and removing energetic blockages, which can cause disease, on the physical, mental and spiritual levels. The idea is to use concentrated prana or Kundalini energy to blast away blockages, even Karmic ones, so that the normal flow of energy can be restored.

I agree to most extent.
I've gone to both Reiki and Pranic Healing school, and in my own practice I use a mix of both, and then more which stems from my intuition.
but that's what I mean. I used to do Pranic healing techniques before I took the first Pranic healing course, and was just learnt in Reiki back then.

and when I took Pranic, I got to understand what I was doing by intuition.
but it was even then that the energy guided me, I could somehow hear the prana and connect to its understanding, follow its guide, versus just following the taught technique by the book.
that's what I mean about letting the divine energy guide us. I'm still working inside a chakra, removing blockages, readjust speed and vibrations, massaging the core, etc. my hands and sometimes whole body are moving like a dance.
now when I do my self healing, my body goes into "yoga poses" on its own as a way of facilitation and direction. I haven't been taught this, but I feel it will come up somewhere. haha.

I continue doing things now which I hadn't been taught yet, but I trust that the text book or teacher will come that will explain this further, as what happened when I went to the Pranic center, for each level I attended.
Hence why I say, I let the energy also guide me, and direct me, instead of taking the wheel and letting my limited knowledge drive it.

I hope this clarifies.
and thank you for your response

Salam and Love
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