Thread: Vishnu
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Old 11-05-2011, 08:27 PM
Jyotir Jyotir is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 1,847
Hi Miss Hepburn,

Regarding your story with the flood...

My recollection of the version I heard is that it was someone? with Krishna who was asking Him (I think incredulously) how is it possible that the Maya of life has such power, that it can completely obscure God-awareness and God-search. Krishna says, "I'll answer you, but first please get me some water, I am thirsty". The seeker goes to the well and the rest occurs...he sees the girl, falls in love, courts her (completely forgets about Krishna), marries, has children, an entire life, etc. This lasts for 12 years (in real actual time), then the rains occur, and flood with everything being swept away, which in despair makes him think of Krishna. At the moment he thinks of Krishna, he is immediately back with Krishna in the original scene, Who gives some kind of, "See I told you so - that's how!"

Can you imagine living 12 years as an induced dream? (I guess the moral of the allegory is that we do this)

Water is significant in the story in different forms as a metphor for consciousness - seeking it and service to Krishna, sustainment of life, rain as Compassion, Flood is overwhelming of Divine Consciousness, etc.

I am sure there are many variations but that is the one I heard.
Thanks for flooding my memory of Krishna in this thread!

~ J
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