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Old 04-06-2021, 03:08 PM
weareunity weareunity is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 766
the mysteries of love and gravity.

Pondering/exploring along the lines of loving and gravity both seem to be forces/influences connected and concerned with unifying/joining/maintaining unity..?

Gravity being a force with the characteristic of acting upon things/mass?--no mass, then no direct influence from gravity.

Loving being a force with the characteristic of having influence not upon things but upon choice/conscious process ?? A state of how to be?

With what possible connection between the two?

Loving not dependent upon the physical except as desirous of enabling some evolutionary vehicle/body/conveyance able to consciously transition from the physical "thing" to a state of awareness of being not seperate "thing" but one process.

Crazy thoughts!
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