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Old 29-01-2021, 09:48 AM
Ancient Ancient is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 5
Originally Posted by Native spirit
Man is the scurge of Mother earth they destroy everything. steal what's not theirs.
The human population is growing so quickly in some countries. it is stretching resources to the limit.

Mother earth will only take so much she will hit back.
you will have more earth quakes. they build on flood planes causing flooding.
Along with deforestation.

more volcanos erupting. it will all happen.
Man broke the umberella in which we live under.
they broke it by putting stuff into space. leaving it there making a mess as they do here.
They act surprised when it falls down again its pathetic.
that is my view anyway


Thanks, enjoyed reading your view, appreciate it. Just to make it clear, are you suggesting earth itself has some kind of consciousness that responds to our activities, or do you think our activities triggers natural feedbacks from the environment?