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Old 28-01-2021, 03:21 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Did you guys ever hear that Christians -not all, of course, certainly some,
and maybe non-Christians, too, to be fair...
think that since they believe a global renewing is going to happen---I mean land
turning upside down to reveal fresh new earth all over,
they don't bother to recycle anything, cuz why? Why bother.
Just wondering.

Yep. I have heard that. That's like saying man will have a spiritual body after
death so why bother taking care of this body now, we can just pollute it.
Maybe even just destroy it.

Some Native Americans believe in a renewing or new Earth also.
Though NA believe the cleaner the Earth and body the easier the
purification when the transition comes.

A simple living method could be Love now, Love always.