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Old 10-05-2012, 02:52 AM
Posts: n/a
Could doing this correct some of my health problems such as scoliosis, flat foot, kyphosis, forward neck syndrome, low pain threshold, constant depression, generalized anxiety disorder, asexuality (no sexual desire), repedative strain injury and tension myositis syndrome?
Paying attention to what is going on within could help some of these things... not all. Meditation, chakra balancing and Reiki would be helpful to relieve the symptoms of all as they are often aggravated by stress.

If so what book do you recommend? Is there a good audio course (free or paid) that would help as I learn much better visually/auditory. Last of all I really wanna raise my kundilini (for astral projection at will rather than my current once every 2 weeks or so which is a struggle to maintain). I really wanna try out all this stuff but I need a well guided course...
I know from my own experience that beginning a new study can be overwhelming, but try not to worry about learning it all. I suggest just practicing what appeals to you. The Chakra books I read actually presented more information than I was able to absorb at first. I have A Handbook of Chakra Healing by Kalashatra Govinda. It has a lot of information in it.

I use GOOGLE to research topics and go where it leads me. Amazon is another place you can research books and even get a peak into some. It has nice reviews at the bottom of the page as well. For audio, you can search for talk radio shows on the net. Also YOUTUBE has some very nice video. Click on a few and see if there is something that feels right to you.

Last of all... I am trying to break skepticism In my mind since I kinda "grew up" at which "scientifically disproves" all this stuff as "the placebo effect". If you know any amazing experiences for me that would make me believe this much more tell me so I can try it out :)
An open mind is important to what you will experience. We tend to experience what we believe... so if you believe it is impossible .... that is what you will experience. Being able to look at the world with childlike wonder is the secret to being open to many experiences.

I understand about your wanting an experience that will help convince you. I felt the same way about rocks and gemstones. I realized that there must be something to it... after all, there are many books about it and so many conversations here on the forum about all people can do with their rocks and gems. I figured that maybe that wasn't one of my gifts. But after awhile, I became more open to the idea of it. Too many people were experiencing it for it to not be true.

I started having visions and experiences right away. So, you see... when I allowed myself to entertain the possibility that all these people can't be wrong and was willing to open my mind to the real possibility that they did have power and energy, I was rewarded with amazing experiences.

I hope this has helped you.
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