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Old 14-12-2022, 09:24 AM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 2,781

Omg I really really feel touched by your story and I have a very good idea of how you feel as my son went thru a very similar thing but didn’t go to prison thank god.

As catsmeow said and I know for a fact, that negative energies DEFINITELY hang around people who have been involved with drugs. A psychic explained to me that when a drug addict dies n they don’t realise it they become earthbound and just keep looking for addicts so they can move in and get the hit they need from them. But the good news is that you CAN get rid of them. Also because you are clean now it will make it a lot easier.

I would suggest that you give your room a complete clean out, open the windows and let the air clear the room. Then get a sage stick and smudge the room. You will have a better nights sleep that way.

Also surround yourself with the white divine or Christ light. Imagine a bubble of light around you. Believe me this DOES work. Then ask your guides to come close and protect you from any negative energies.

You could find your nearest Spiritual church and go and talk to a medium there who would probably give you some very good advice. They really did help me understand just what was happening.

You are not alone. There are thousands of people around the world who have gone thru this and one of the main reasons is because drugs are so prevalent in our society today.

Try and push yourself to go to the beach for at least an hour. The negative ions will do your body the world of good.

I hope this is helpful.
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