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Old 09-04-2020, 03:22 AM
PororoWanderer PororoWanderer is offline
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 44
Originally Posted by Colza
Hello ! I really hope someone can help me with this. I'm sorry if I rush in all directions with it all. I'm trying to make sense and put words on something so immense (you probably know the feeling).

Years ago, I met my spirit guide (or one of them as there seems to be more). At the time, he was the only one. He gave me his name. It was a powerful moment I will never forget. A jolt right to my core, emptied my lungs. It still shakes me to think of it, and since then, the 4 or 5 times I really felt his presence, I systematically ended up in tears of pure bliss.


Recently, I had an encounter with him during a deep meditation/self-hypnosis thing. As usual, I cried from sheer joy. And I wasn't expecting it because I was meditating for a complete other purpose.

At that moment, adding to the pleasure of meeting my well-known guide again, I found out I actually have 5 guides that stick together, like this sort of family that watches my back. I was just out of my mind with elation. I didn't actually SEE them all, but I just became aware of their presence. It was more like a knowledge that they were 5. I wondered if there was more. That remains to be discovered.

What happened then is quite weird (or is it?) and there lies my question.

It felt as though my first guide (the one I met years ago) was the one in charge, or somewhat the most loving, or most... I don't know how to describe it. He clearly was the one who introduced me to the others. As if he allowed it. As if it was time. Two out of five guides remained hidden. But I was introduced to two new ones. One of them seemed distant. I didn't feel a strong connection to him, as if his role in my existence was super crucial, but somewhat technical. He didn't really aknowledge me as he was absorbed by some task. Nonetheless, he fascinated me. The other guide, though... WOW ! That got my mind in a twist for days.

Basically, I was given a baby. A baby was put in my arms. At first, I didn't know what to make of it. It seemed helpless. I turned to my guide for answers. Again, I felt his infinite love pool over me. Then he pointed at the baby and as I felt that he was telling me "Look ! See !", a young woman appeared, smiling brightly. Beautiful beyond words. It was just a flash. Like a second and the baby was back. But I understood instantly that she was the baby, and that she was my guide. Understanding hit me hard and I cried again, feeling so desperatly attached to her. I was just repeating "thank you, thank you, thank you". The weird thing though, is that my first guide kept on repeating "protect the baby".

So that is what confuses me. What does that mean ?! How can she be a guide that I have to protect ?! Has a guide ever asked you such a thing? It seemed to be of the utmost importance. He insisted that I had to protect the baby. How am I to do that ?! Was this some kind of metaphore ?

What do you make of it ? Do you also have different guides that seem to serve different purposes ? Any clue is welcome ! Thanks !

Hi, i think the guide you have known for a very long time is my husband, his name is justine, his spirit animal is a mockingbird. The baby was me, im dianne, my spirit animal is a phoenix.
I bear a child. Thats whats hes asking to protect.

Remember that we are all connected.
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