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Old 09-10-2019, 05:06 PM
Lucky Lucky is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 527
Negative entities testing me?

To give a brief overview, within the past month or so I feel like I’m coming out of my shell, so to speak, and have been feeling generally more confident and focused and have even put some personal boundaries in place with people whereas I never stuck up for myself before. All good things.

I’ve always had vivid dreams, some prophetic, many with visits from loved ones and people I know that have passed on, about 40 or so telepathic dreams with my nephew, and some where I believe I’m being counseled by guides (although I never can recall what they’ve said). All positive, extremely rarely get nightmares.

Over the past week or so I’ve had some different dreams. Last week there was a newborn baby girl that no one seemed to be taking care of, so I did. I believe this baby had special needs. Ironically that same night my sister also dreamt of a baby girl that was premature or ill and she took care of it.

Then a few nights ago I dreamt that an unseen entity clawed at my left forearm leaving scratch marks of blood to appear in my arm right before my eyes. Then it carved the f word into that arm as well. If I remember correctly, the claw marks were from five nails.

Then in real life, I’ve had bouts of vertigo when I look down or to the left and have random heart palpitations. Also, I just discovered a lump in my left breast.
I ran to the doctor for it just yesterday and needless to say I’m freaking out but have to wait for further screening on it tomorrow.

Last nights dreams really scared me...
I was in between sleep and awake and I had a vision of me being alone in my building’s elevator and a dark mist appeared and then hid behind the padding in the elevator. This startled me awake. I started to doze off again and I heard audible with my ears a small child say “mama”. I’ve never heard a spirit with my ears before, just in my mind.

I hope I was thorough enough in explaining these events because I’m really shaken right now. I feel like I might be under attack. Usually I’m the one replying to people’s posts about this sort of thing telling them to calm down, be positive and not give it energy etc etc .

Any insight is greatly appreciated
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