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Old 03-06-2022, 03:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Hi and thank you all Lostsoul13, AstralTraveller and last but not least astralsuzy :)

yes I think my own vibration is pretty low, before more so subconsciously but perfect on the surface, but now pretty obvious, and so I automatically sink down there.

I think however that someone or something is protecting me or that I have not yet sunk so low that my astral body will be in great danger.

Perhaps it is too that the one/s? protecting me have to be of a specific level as well but don't mean that one/or the ones are bad.

I think also I am the type who has difficulty letting pain go in a way, that I am someone who when traumatized don't know really how to continue forward automatically, perhaps that is because of my sensitivity, that I feel things as strong as I do. (this too honestly I thought I could be on the autistic spectrum but turns out that was my husband, LOL).

There was also an attachment to me, I've been told, that could have influenced or we could have been on a similar energy level, I'm not sure.

I've seen others or become aware of them, people I think are just sleeping and not aware what their astral body is doing maybe, but they are there, somewhere. I can feel them, their essence, feeling. Then afterwards who am I to know if it is just innocent dreams or if it truly has happened my experiences. I don't know if to believe this myself. I don't want to spread something that is false. Maybe I will just stop at saying I have experienced it. They have no desire to interact in any way, they are so locked up in their own pain.

But i have also felt as if something, someone, essences, energies, I don't know what to call them by, knows me. It just feels as if they know me from before, my spirit, soul maybe, and like I know I've been there before. In one way almost as if I am one of them and then that scares me hoping I have not done something bad in the past, or just simply know me. That is at least the indicators I get.

I think letting go and rising up is truly something I have to do so I do appreciate the advice.

Yes, I have booked something with friends soon so I'm hoping for some fun :)

I'm happy too you are doing better astralsuzy with all the pain your sister in law and her husband is spreading around. I don't think family as of blood anymore. I think family is those who treat us as family and us them. The others are just camouflage as family and trying to abuse it to their benefits. I also now more than before believe that justice will be done, karma will be done in it's own time and nothing we can quicken up or be in control of but simply try to let it out and trust that Universe has it, got it, and will mold it. I now try to think of it as me thinking if someone has done something abusive, mentally or physically to someone, that this person is already sentence to a spiritual-jail, but it just don't know it yet, it is as if it is eating it's last mean and enjoying it and don't even know what is coming. But it is coming. Usually what can be frustrading for me but I have learned more to handle it is that I realize that I see through people mostly and that lots of others don't and so I have to wait in the rest and in the meanwhile such people can take down an entire successful operation/work for instance and then it looks like it will be off the hook and on to the next thing, but then as I can see it it will caught up with such people and then they're done. We can only do what we can do, no more, no less. Perhaps that is a hard lesson too to learn that even if we want to do more it is not always up to us but allowing things to run it's course. I don't know, just thinking of all sorts of things, LOL. Perhaps that is my problem, I think too much hi hi. Many times I wanted to stop something but couldn't and then just had to watch the pain others go through.

God, I soon look/sound like Eeyore when I should be like Tiger from Winnieh the poh ;)
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