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Old 12-03-2022, 12:31 AM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 725
Defect looking for a Character.

What I have discovered in the past 48 years of meditation is that there is nothing absolutely nothing to learn from meditation, rather there is everything to UNCOVER from within yourself, and that in truth we I am the universe in miniature and this means basically and factually that everything that is contained within this universe also EXISTS within ME, all i have to do is UNCOVER it from within myself.

I cannot discover anything from outside myself because nothing exist outside of the SELF that is within that which is I AM.
All universal wisdom and knowledge is within us all. it cannot and does not exist outside of your self.

The only thing I really know is the infinite depth of my ignorance. And that knowing our ignorance opens the doorway that leads to wisdom.

regards michael.
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