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Old 08-05-2022, 01:37 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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Originally Posted by traceyacey12
Would spirituality exist if people were to be killed if they talked about it?
i think so. In some ways I've always thought, one reason for the eastern masters' reclusiveness is that if mainstream people (such as ordinary politicians for example) caught on to the sheer power available in some of the things they do, they would use all the same techniques they do now (e.g. physical and/or emotional torture) to try to influence them to use that power in ways that are beneficial to either the politician or the state. Which led to a lot of mystery being kept about the well-known paths, and nothing was passed on except to those who would go along with THAT status quo.

And of course there were a lot of people 'persecuted' in various ways in the name of following the judaeo-christian god... but that didn't stop such people either.

From what I can tell there were probably others who went down this road even though they had great fear for their own lives and maybe noone they could share with. Those of us who can take advantage of what is happening today are relatively lucky, with things opening up as they are...
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