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Old 28-12-2010, 12:13 PM
Serenity Bear
Posts: n/a
Iv been a medium for 40 plus years, and Im now at a level where I could teach it if I so wished.

Iv had other mediums (lecturers in the subject) say Im the equivalent to a concert pianist of mediums, and should be working in the top International level (if I so wished).

Everyone believes their own thing, it matters not to me, if you agree or disagree with me, for we will all find out when we pass to the Spirit World.

Believe me I can tell the difference between those who have sat for development and those who havent. It sticks out like a sore thumb on the platform. I can also quickly tell those who are mediums and those who try to be and are not (cold reading can appear very convincing even to the experienced sitter).
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