Thread: Acne
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Old 23-03-2014, 11:26 PM
Arcturus Arcturus is offline
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Hi back :)
sparkling is carbonated which is carbon dioxide, an acidic gass that your body is trying to rid itself of with every out breath. gives you a lift but is rapidly acidifying. most folk might get away with it but from what you're saying id avoid it.

hay diet basically no concentrated starches with concentrated proteins as they require different types of digestion and mixing causes the starch to ferment the protein- not good. certainly an excellent and easy diet for the immune compromised. allergies to fragrances? sounds like mild multiple chemical sensitivity. meds mean acid blood with little or no minerals and vitamins and could cause/aggravate acne depending on how many and how often.

the colon meridian goes up either side of your nose and the forehead is a reflex zone for the colon (people who crinkle their foreheads are constipated- not that you are).

did this suddenly start occurring or have you had it as long as you can remember? one course of antibiotics or one injection can do similar to folk. are you gluten free? worth trying for 5-7 days if you're not. 100% organic is first base. salt pipes are great for the colon as they soothe the lungs (great for scent allergies) which flow into it, meridian wise. also balance your immune system somewhat. tai chi would be great!
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