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Old 18-02-2014, 10:11 PM
JenGy JenGy is offline
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Originally Posted by Wandering_Star
It sounds like he's trying to comfort you as best he can, and let you know that he's still there and still loves you.

My soulmate crossed over in 2000, and a few days later I received a visit from him during waking hours. It was the most profound and game-changing experience I've had in this embodiment, and the greatest gift he could ever have given me.

But I've also met with him in dreams, over the years. I had them more frequently in the first 3-5 years after he passed, and the last one I remember was maybe three years ago. And mostly, we just talk. We never ran out of things to talk about while he was still here, and we just kept chatting away. The settings were often places that had big, comfy couches, and while early dreams did start to get a little steamy, nothing really happened. We just ended up cuddling and talking.

There may not be any need or desire for sex once we've crossed over, but I think, in these visits, it's a powerful way to help him connect with and comfort you. My soulmate brought me my favorite trashy Chinese food during one of the dreams, and I sat there and pigged out on Mongolian beef and General Tso's chicken while we talked. We drank coffee in other ones. Are coffee and Chinese food necessary in the afterlife? No. But they helped me feel more grounded in the experience of the dreams, helping them feel more "real" to me, just as the cuddling and comfy sofas did.

I never have been able to recall any details of what we talked about, much to my disappointment. I do remember basking in his energy and feeling so happy that he was still there, and one day I'd join him again on the other side. But after his last dream-visit, I felt strongly compelled to start reading about the afterlife, NDEs, soul contracts, etc. I felt like I was being guided to certain books and speakers (Michael Newton, Brian Weiss, Danielle MacKinnon), and steered away from others (Dolores Cannon).

So in an indirect way, my soul mate's been teaching me from the other side. It's possible we made a soul agreement where that would happen--that he would die early, yet teach me that there is far more to existence beyond this earthbound one. And maybe there is something similar happening in your case--the shock, horror, and pain at his murder must have been tremendous. And yet he's not really gone. He still exists, and still loves you. and is showing you that death is nothing to fear. That's an amazing gift.

If I have any advice, it's not to cling to him and need those visits. Sure, wishing he was still here on this side of the veil, and missing his physical presence is perfectly normal and justified. But he's showing you something wonderful about the nature of our existence as immortal consciousnesses--and that's a gift you can carry with you through the rest of your current embodiment here. There's a reason you're still here and he's not; you have things to do in this lifetime. He's comforting you so your grief and the seeming meaninglessness of his death don't paralyze you, keeping you from moving forward.

I feel this is what is happening with me as well. I still don't understand much about the difference between soulmates, soul connections and twin flames but I feel my friend and I were connected somehow. I too started reading up on the Other Side and found all these new terms.
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