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Old 17-02-2014, 12:28 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by loopylucid
Simply beautiful is that another way of explaining formlessness? in everything as potential? hehehe!

Enjoyed reading your thoughts :) Keep them coming:)


Well, sort of. It's the combinations of this and that that make individuals. And once it's been conceptualized, it kind of always exists after that, since annihilation is impossible (And any scientist will concur).

What I've posited here is for people who doubt both the existence of God as well as an immaterial, disembodied soul. Even if both of those are true.....(drumroll ), the material formula/concept for each of us remains and can be "rebuilt" throughout an eternity of "accidents" (if the Big Bang was just that - an accident). If it happened once, it can happen again. We are as unique as snowflakes, no two are alike. So while our sameness/oneness is that we're composed of the same *stuff*, we as individuals exist.

So while this concept may be lacking in spiritual essence as it's not consciousness-centered, it's still one of hope for more lives, kind of like the changing seasons. Blooming, then wilting, then blooming again (same plant, just a series of lives). And why should it eventually stop, either? As long as human beings can think, the questions and quests for answers will never cease.
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