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Old 05-02-2014, 03:30 AM
MIA4life MIA4life is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 140
Question Dreams of strong soul connection

The night he was murdered I wasn't able to sleep. I kept tossing and turning. I played my hemi-sync twice that night. Once usually either places me in deep meditation or deep sleep...well I had a dream and could not remember what it was...later on that day I found out he was murdered late that night. I had dreams almost everyday for the first 30 days...then they stopped for a period of time.

they started up again but they are not concurrent; I have had three dreams in the past 4 months that I can remember. one was a very brief conversation. The other 2 were very sexual in nature. Especially the last one. It felt so real.

Do not know what to think of this. At all. If it is him, meeting me in my dreams, why would he want to still have sex if they say when you crossover there is no need for that? or am I just repressing sexual feelings? IT just felt soooooo real. Like if it were done in the physical.

It is going to be 6 months now that he has transitioned.

Last edited by MIA4life : 05-02-2014 at 06:16 AM.
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