Thread: unexplainable
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Old 26-09-2006, 01:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Question The Friends in the Blue Light


Huummm this could be a few different things no doubt, but I am very familiar with the "blue light" you mentioned. I too have been wide awake and seen the most brilliant and pure blue light filling up the hallway outside my bedroom. Also have seen this same blue light pour in only one half of my bedroom window from the outside which lit up my whole room, but didn't come in through the other half of the window!?! I've also seen this light manifest inside the house, usually but not always, followed by my inability to remain awake or conscious for long no matter how hard I tried.

Now I'm not fond of the thought that I may have been "physically abducted" and I know that that's NOT what happened or happens. I've learned over the decades that when many higher dimensional beings come close to our physical bodies, it's just too much for us energy wise and we can't remain in body or awake/conscious. Actually this is a huge clue, that if you suddenly can't remain awake and in've got invisible company! We leave our physical bodies to communicate with them because it's easier with less trauma to us. We may not be able to remember all of this after we return to our bodies and wake up, but the meeting and whatever was discussed is with us at slightly deeper levels. Sometimes we do remember what happens after we've left our physical bodies.

Now here's where it gets sort of comical and this is very typical of positive higher dimensional friends and family as I like to call some of them. They'll assist us in remembering that contact and communications have happened by doing silly or funny things like changing the direction you and your partner where laying in bed. Nothing dramatic or underhanded, no "abductions", just a sense of humor and a desire to trigger memory in us that they were here and we all had a nice chat. The intense blue light is a clear and common sign that these particular positive non-physical higher dimensional beings are rapidly approaching. Not totally on a physical level......but as close as they're willing to come to it! We leave our physical bodies and meet them at that level.

Other ways that they'll try to let us know physically that they're near is through different scents. Suddenly we'll smell beautiful flowery smells inside the house, or pipe tobacco, or cinnamon, or inscense mixed with flowers etc. Any of these scents are just another way that they try to let us know that we've got unseen company and that class is about to start so pay attention and stay awake if you can!