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Old 13-12-2010, 10:52 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by sunny shine
Greenslade thank you for the reply; you answer seem to fit my question of why we are reincarnating. But I also have another question on how do we know what lessons we need to learn, if i have a fight should i understand that my learning should be to excercise patience, stand up for my rights or learn to be aggressive or learn to given in and be compassionate, what is the lesson? so i know what qualities i need to develope. how do i know this? even if i acted in a certain expected way that would complete my learning, how do i know if i did?

It seems you're still trapped in the original loop.

You appear still to be looking for specific answers in the here-and-now but you are unlikely to find them.

You aren't learning a lesson so much as learning from the experiences you gain. If you persist in chasing the thought that each and every incident in your present incarnation is for you to learn some kind of lesson, then your search will probably be fruitless.

That's not to say, though, that any or each of life's events won't add to your understanding but neither does it say it will! I went through a similar patch of misunderstanding some while ago and raised the point in a development group. The leader told me that he put all such stuff out of his mind and simply got on with life saying that we will all find what we need and that there was no reason to soul-search into what we think we should be getting from this or that experience....

I took on board his words and let them guide me. That's not to say that I haven't continued to seek to understand as much as I can but never from the perspective of it relating to any supposed lessons.

Maybe you might wish to consider approaching your own situation from a similar direction?
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