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Old 13-12-2010, 09:24 AM
sunny shine
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Greenslade
I know the idea is quite popular but I've never been an exponent of lessons. If Spirit has access to all the knowledge possible then what is there to learn? To me, it's all about experience because you can never experience anything from any other being no matter how in tune you are. Two people can have this deep, telepathic link but getting on that rollercoaster isn't something you can experience via someone else. If you look at the lessons from an argument, you know pretty much what will happen. Someone is going to be with you, someone is going to be against and someone else will sit on the fence. When it's all over it's either kiss and make up or hate each other. What else is there to know? The question is, how does that feel? That can only be experienced by you personally.

We are different people from day-today, sometimes minute-to-minute. You'll come on these boards and someone will write something that puts a light bulb on in your head - you're changed. You've also had this experience before so why are you back here again? Because you've had this experience before you've changed since the last time you were here. You have that experience under your belt now which you didn't have before, so your whole perception of the situation has changed. Plus, of course, everything that has happened in between. The 'you' that had the original experience isn't the 'you' that's having it now. You're coming at it from a different perspective - spirals not circles. And when the experience is over you know you've been there, don't you? And isn't the best way to learn something to experience it?

Greenslade thank you for the reply; you answer seem to fit my question of why we are reincarnating. But I also have another question on how do we know what lessons we need to learn, if i have a fight should i understand that my learning should be to excercise patience, stand up for my rights or learn to be aggressive or learn to given in and be compassionate, what is the lesson? so i know what qualities i need to develope. how do i know this? even if i acted in a certain expected way that would complete my learning, how do i know if i did?
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