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Old 03-11-2013, 02:11 PM
Posts: n/a
I've noticed something strange... Whenever I have a failed AP experience where I manage to get out of my body but for some reason just get sucked right back I always seem to have a FA straight after. Was like the other night I tried four times to get out of my body. Yet I just kept getting sucked right back in eventually I was just like I'm not going to get out I'm just going to go back to sleep

Well I didn't just go back to sleep, I had a false awakening which really messed with my head because I was taking some multivitamins (as I do every morning). Then I woke up and I couldn't for the life of me work out if I had actually taken those vitamins and gone back to sleep.

But I haven't meditated for the last four days as I've been really busy with a bunch of other things. I'm meditating again
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