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Old 15-10-2013, 04:22 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Geezzy.G
Well, well, well...the old "Honey does this dress make me look fat" game is still alive and kicking. I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't say this means anything but him not playing up to that stupid concept. Social constructions here in the US (isn't the guy from somewhere else?) is unlike the social landscape anywhere else...and not so-much in the good way. A lot of it is nonsense, and I don't play into it either. Hardly means there is a neurological disorder going on. I dated a a foreign exchange student from Sweden in my late teens, and the one thing about her that sticks out in my mind is how bluntly matter-of-fact and open she was with just about everything we talked about. The topic of sex could've very well been a conversation about watching cars drive on the freeway because there was no social stigma attached to it like here in the States. To her it just was what it was. I'm not saying that this guy definitely does NOT have Asperger's, but I am saying that whatever the perceived lack of social "cues" he has may just be a cultural difference, if he's from another country. At least in my personal experiences with people from other places, on their end, there is a refreshing straight-forwardness, and a lot less tippy-toey fluff and hoop-jumping with whatever they're trying to say...

I agree.
But the subject actually had other conditions that are typical Asperger presentations.

Being honest and being unempathetic are two very different thing.

If your 'homely' child comes to you and asks you if she/he is ugly, you would 'empathetically' reassure the child that she/he is beautiful in your eyes. You would never tell the child that she/he is homely, even that may be the truth and an honest answer.
An Asperger parent would tell the child that she/he is homely but still a good kid. I have witnessed children who were raised by Asperger parents and the damage to the children's self esteem is detrimental.

A grown woman (wife) can divorce and walk away from a bad marriage. Children can not.
Unless you actually experienced living with an Asperger person, it is not something that is easily comprehensive
Trust me, I would never understood it neither until I lived through it myself.
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