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Old 14-10-2013, 08:20 PM
Kiran Kiran is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Feldkirch, Austria
Posts: 463
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Hmmmm, seems like this is turning into a discussion about the Asperger Syndrome, wasn't my original intent but ok ;)

Just to tell you, last night I've signed up on two forums about Asperger, one is for Asperger afflicted persons themselves (so I might understand them better), and the other, for partners of Aspies. Although that last one seems rather a meeting place for desperate souls - mostly women - complaining about their Asperger partners and looking for comfort. Seems they miss their hugs.

But it's not only sad stories. It looks like when both put in effort to the cause, it can work out very well (nothing bad to you, Nada. If you're happier without him, leave).

I've also had a talk with my psychiatric health advisor this morning. For those of you not informed, I also have "my problems" - slight social phobia (I also have problems looking people in the eye when talking, for instance) and bipolar illness, but I'm handling it quite well nowadays, I'm balanced and feel good about my life.

He told me some people in the Pro Mente house where I've lived before also have Asperger's - without saying names, but he let me guess - and I never really suspected, just thought they were a little "odd". Also that "we all have our issues", which I think is true. Whoever is really NORMAL in this insane world? That people are drawn together because they feel something in the other responding and that this way, you can't possibly ever be with "the wrong person", you always get exactly what you deserve and need at that moment. What you're calling out to. If you don't value yourself, for instance, you'll always end up with scumbags. But he also told me that "all people crave love" and want to be treated in a good way. That if I ever have doubts about how to handle him, I just do what I would want him to do for me.

What stuck with me most is this:

"Maybe some people will tell you that with an Asperger person, you can never live love to it's full content. Yet if they love, they love fully and to all of their capacity. And even if their capacity to love and bond might be lower than that of a neuro-typical person, isn't it satisfying enough to know that the person you love with all of your heart is loving you back with all of theirs?"

"Let Fate do with me what she will or can;
I am stronger than death and greater than my fate;
My love shall outlast the world, doom falls from me
helpless against my immortality."

From "Savitri" by Sri Aurobindo
(The Book of Fate)
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