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Old 14-10-2013, 02:21 AM
twinkle twinkle is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 465
Originally Posted by Nada
Aspergers do not have filters when they communicate, so they make you feel very close and intimate since they will say anything to you without filtering their information.

Normal empathetic men would said "you look good to me" or "you look pretty" or 'you are not fat' or something in that line. They would not agree with you and said that you are 'chubby'.
I am just saying... this is a typical communication pattern of Aspergers.

Maybe this one guy I knew in the past had Aspergers. He told me he thought he might have Autism. Since he communicated freely about everything with me, I told him he could not have Autism. However, he would put down your looks if he was thinking something negative at the time. If I got offended by something he said, he would tell me that I was sensitive. He also came across as a racist because he did not seem to have filters. One time I was with him when a potential employer called him for a reference. I could not believe how unprofessional he talked on the phone. He actually told the employer I needed to get the job so I could get away from my abusive parents and went on some about my parents. The thing is he was unaware he was saying all the wrong things. He could not understand why I was upset after that phone call. I never put him down on application as a reference again. Be careful what you say to someone with Aspergers!

Although it seemed like this guy liked to communicate since he freely talked about everything, he really hated communication. He said that he preferred action, but not talk. He said he never wanted to get married because he would have to communicate on a regular basis.
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