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Old 14-10-2013, 01:57 AM
Posts: n/a
Yes I am much happier. My stress level due to my marriage has been reduced to zero, although I am still going through the divorce.
Divorce normally causes stress to others.
However, as those of us who are divorcing Asperger husbands admit, we are much happier alone than being committed to an Asperger man.
So, divorce is a much needed relief actually. I am SO~~ looking forward to my own life again.

As for your guy, there is not such thing as Asperger tendencies. A person is an Asperger with different spectrum levels. Your descriptions of him and his self description match the typical Asperger presentations. You really should google and read more about it.

Aspergers do not have filters when they communicate, so they make you feel very close and intimate since they will say anything to you without filtering their information.

I was attracted to this aspect of my ex as well.
That was the most endearing quality of my ex when we were dating.
Until I realized later on that he does that with just about anyone that he meets. This had caused social embarrassments and misconceptions.
It also had caused stress in our marriage since I had to monitor what he was saying to others about our personal and intimate information.

Communicating without filtering, without caution, and without understanding of consequences (typical of Aspergers) had caused serious problems even at his work and with his clients. - Not to mention the havocs within our marriage. However, they can not stop their behaviors.

BTW, it wasn't him who brought up the word "chubby" - I myself said I look so horribly fat on that pic.
Normal empathetic men would said "you look good to me" or "you look pretty" or 'you are not fat' or something in that line. They would not agree with you and said that you are 'chubby'.
I am just saying... this is a typical communication pattern of Aspergers.

But you seem to know what you are getting into. You are already aware of his differences. That is healthy.
Since you feel the connection, you should meet him in person first before you spend anymore time and energy on him.
It is probably not a good idea to attaching yourself to him any further until you get to know him well in person.

Nonetheless, he is helping you so that is good. People come into our lives for a reason.
Let the destiny meets the reality.
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