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Old 06-09-2013, 08:33 AM
Posts: n/a
overwhelmed by the crossing of non spoken issues

Originally Posted by Mazulu

it made me wonder: can you function in a normal job? If you can, then what's the problem. If you can't work because of this stuff, then how will you take care of yourself? There are lots of people who are weird who can still take care of themselves, like me. I was diagnosed with ADD, and I take medication so I can work. Nobody wants to see you homeless because you have an undiagnosed problem then is easily remedied. That's all I'm saying.

hi, i just started in this forum. I am kind of positive surprised to hear that other people have the same this point i can not call it gift. When i am in a room, i can sense the crossing of negative energie among the people. I can handle one to one and focus on the person i am with. but when the group is larger, i sense all kinds of things going on, it drains me out to the point of not being able to participate because there are too many themes unspoken on the table. i have always been like this but he older i get the more difficult it is to try to function apparently "normal". i wonder what kind of medicine do you take? i have been give a very low medicine against psicosis, it helps to stop the computer in my head, but it goes too far, and sometimes i could barely function. i have moved from a coordination function to a support function, so i do not have to be ahead of the game.

it is good for me to be where i am, because i get to see things that in other circumstances i would not...but there are meetings, and i keep avoiding them and this is causing problems with my collegas. it is voluntary work, but still has its demands, of course.
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